Emergency Response – Raised funds, manufactured, assembled and delivering face shields to first responders and healthcare providers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency Response – Raised funds, manufactured, assembled and delivering face shields to first responders and healthcare providers on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Peace & Stability – Commanded an international investigation and retrieval mission of a US $42 million aircraft seized by non-state actors in Benin. A 12-man team of aviation crew, security personnel and investigators liaised with local security and US embassy officials and brokered a release of the damaged aircraft, flew it to an offshore hangar, conducted repairs and returned the aircraft to the US. Successfully negotiated the release and executed the repatriation of the aircraft without material or personnel losses.
Environmental Security – Spearheaded an $11 million pilot project for off-shore environmental remediation for the Presidency of Algeria. Championed the project with US embassy and the government of Algeria. Set up risk assessment and operational security procedures for the 32-man team of divers and engineers. Provided security risk assessment to 3rd party engineering contracting companies. Championed the project with US embassy and the government of Algeria. Set up risk assessment and operational security procedures.
Investigations – Advised the Minister of the Environment of Côte d’Ivoire and coordinated underwater sampling, toxicity testing, and initial cleanup operations after the PROBO KOALA mass poisoning incident. Provided negotiators with technical grounds and assisted the ministry in receiving a settlement of US $198 Million for damages and remediation from vessel’s charterers.
Environmental Security – Spearheaded the rehabilitation of a failed €47 million maritime infrastructure project in the Antilles financed by the European Community. Investigated the site, designed & led subsea engineering remediation works and initiated a capacity-building program for training & employment of the local population.
Peace & Stability – Led the green field installation of a riverine port of a diamond-ferrous gravel mining operation in the war-affected region of Kono, Sierra Leone. Negotiated access and conflict resolution with the demobilized population. Managed 47-man security and engineering team.
Peace & Stabilty – Advised the planning committee on the design, equipment selection and planning of works; interviewed and assessed all candidate engineers for $57 million Kishon Riverbed Sediment Dredging and Remediation Project. Provided operational risk assessments to the consortium.
Peacekeeping – Trained Iraqi field personnel for Relief International in SPHERE standards and field security for the rehabilitation of the water distribution system of Maysan Province, Southern Iraq. Assessed local field operations in the Jenin, Tulkarem, and Nour Shammas refugee camps in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. Provided physical & operational security risk assessments to donors.
Provided first “eyes-on” assessments of the organizations facilities in intifada affected areas of northern West Bank in two years. Provided resource coordination during 33-day war.
Civilian Protection – Advised the Agence du Bassin du Fleuve Niger (ABFN) on rehabilitation of erosion damage to the banks of the Niger river; and coordinated “access to water” surveys in a “Countering Violent Extremism” program in various regions of the country. Assessed the rate of desertification and correlated community water needs by using UN SPHERE standard requirement rates and communicated our findings to the ministry of the environment. Provided security risk assessment to 3rd party engineering contracting companies. Provided first reports of violent extremist movements in Mali in relation to access to water.
Peacekeeping – Advised the War- Affected Rehabilitation Development agency of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement [SPLM] and managed a deep-field water survey in the unadministered boundary area of Abyei, Southern Kordovan Province, Sudan. Identified acts of sabotage to UN supplied water sources along the Abyei Boundary Commission area. Provided security risk assessment to donors. Built first coordinated water access mapping in UN Sector VI, which became the template for all GOSS and donor planning in the sector.
Disaster Relief – Attached as special advisors in humanitarian operations to Brigadier General Djunaidi Djahri, commander of the 101 st Amphibious Recon Battalion, Indonesian Marine Corps. Coordinated with 15th USMC MEU-SOC, UN agencies and actors on the ground during post-tsunami operations; established security, logistics and cold chain in the Calang – Meulaboh corridor. Flew over 68 rescue & relief missions and spearheaded a vaccination campaign for over 7,000 children. Provided first ground-truth assessment of casualties and first embedded liaison communication between USG and the Indonesian Disaster Area Response Team.
Civilian Protection – Designed and executed Operation Firescape, the establishment of a protected humanitarian corridor through the unadministered boundary areas during the outbreak of the North-South Sudanese war of secession. Evacuated 60,000 civilians along a 44 kilometer route during hostilities; coordinated airborne food drops with UNDSS/ WFP; and provided security risk assessments to all partners. Received commendation for “exceptional bravery” and preserved the lives of 60,000 non-combatant civilians.
Disaster Relief – Coordinated helicopter-borne forward medical operations during the first phase of the Yogyakarta earthquake operations in Indonesia. Coordinated with MoH; set-up information sharing and logistics support for affected communities. Provided first successful coordination of auxiliary airborne medical personnel attached to Indonesian military forces during emergency.
Investgations – The Group provided investigatory support for a litigation team on a multi-year, multi-jurisdictional, cross-border investigation arising from the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee’s “US Accounts used by Augusto Pinochet” report. Provided translations of court documentation, open source intelligence briefs and risk assessments. Liased with the Supreme Court of Chile. Filed investigatory reports under oath to US courts.
Stability – Spearheaded the 1st in-country privatization of UK embassy visa processing services worldwide. Assessed local staffing needs; identified, interviewed, screened, hired and trained over 150 local staff in 13 countries. Opened UKVAC in Tripoli, Cairo, Alexandria, Amman, Beirut, Ankara, Geneva, Paris, Bordeaux, Belgrade and Budapest.
Peacekeeping – Led the training and deployment of the combat engineering unit of the amphibious combat units of the Special Forces of Cameroon [BIR – Brigade d’Intervention Rapide] in support of anti-piracy operations. Led the dive operations and coordinated 3rd party contracting companies in the construction of the first permanent forward operating base in the area of operations.